Foraged Warm And Natural Nordic Christmas Table

An intimate Nordic Christmas table set for dessert and styled with a hanging floral cloud.

Hey, how are you feeling? Honestly? I'm exhausted. And I know I'm not the only one. What a year! Despite all the waves of uncertainty and change we've been riding, I wanted to keep some things the same here. And with Christmas just around the corner, its time to uphold the yearly tradition that I have with you - sharing festive table styling inspiration.

A Foraged Nordic Christmas Table

I wanted the table to feel comforting, intimate. A space that draws the family together under the glow of candlelight. Our gatherings are going to be smaller this year and with this in mind, I'm suggesting using what you have to hand. The key to this Nordic look is the natural elements of rustic bracken fronds, branches and neutral tableware.

Brown sugar pavlova with mulled wine poached pears styled on a neutral toned Nordic Christmas table.

My little table for four includes treasures that I return to all year round; a vintage cake stand and a collection of wooden candle holders I found in a charity shop years ago. Simple, pale tableware in some newer additions from the summer are courtesy of Urbanara.

This is a fuss-free, tonal look without a traditional centrepiece. Instead, a hanging installation of 'old man's beard' has become a softer, textural focal point. It that draws the eye down to the table and allows you, your guests and the food to be the centre of attention.

A hanging installation cloud of foraged Old Man's Beard or wild growing clematis and cut grasses.

This was my first attempt at a floral cloud installation and it was so easy to do. Rob and I went to take cuttings from a spot where I knew there'd be an abundance of wild-growing clematis (also known as 'Old Man's Beard') and filled up a big bag. Using a chicken wire frame hung with strong, clear thread, you build the arrangement by threading the stems through the frame. Eventually, you'll create a full shape you're happy with. Where I found there were gaps, I filled them up with cut grasses from my garden.

I filmed the process and put together a quick floral cloud tutorial on IGTV if you want to create your own. Do it - the results are breath-taking!

A Sweet Table

Close-up image of glossy, deep wine red mulled poached pears ontop of a brown sugar pavlova for the Christmas table.

Baking is my go-to for comfort at this time of year. It's my way to unwind and spend time alone with my thoughts. I found a gorgeous Waitrose recipe for a brown sugar pavlova with hazelnut praline and poached pears. And my god it's incredible. Such an indulgent dessert, perfect for a Christmas celebration. From the spiced mulled pears and chewy meringue to the all-important sweet toasted nuts. This is the one.

I also tried my hand at a vanilla marshmallow recipe that I found via Benk and Bodega. Perfect for little snacks or to top hot chocolates and my daughter loved making these together. Check out their 'Advent' stories highlight for the recipe, written by Emma Cantlay at Mainly Breakfast.

Homemade vanilla marshmallows on a Hasami porcelain plate, styled on a pale neutral Nordic Christmas table.
A set of spiral taper candles on a neutral linen tablecloth set for Christmas dessert.

Candles are the one thing I always buy new every year as we get through so many. These soy wax twisted candles are from Interlude Candles on Etsy. And I've created a brilliant sculptural candle edit if you're looking to up your candle game this winter.

A plate of plump and powdery vanilla marshmallows sitting on bed of burnished dry bracken.

So there we have it - my Nordic Christmas table for 2020. If this look doesn't float your boat, check out my gold and pine table garland and a moody, minimal festive style.

All that's left for me to do is to thank you for sticking with me throughout this crazy year. Wishing you a safe, warm and slow Christmas and I'll see you in 2021.

Tiff x.

A warm candlelit Nordic Christmas table set for dessert with a hanging floral cloud installation.

Photography and styling © Tiffany Grant-Riley


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